These was my dinner 3 days ago.
This one was dyza's
Check out her teeth! She could be the next Cullen family right? Haha
The past couple days had been fussy for me. I was so busy doing home chores. Yea, my maid was out of town at that time. Which means, i had to help my mom doing stuff. Like, doing the laundry, washing dishes and even cooking! Luckily my maid had already came back. So right now, i got the time to relax and enjoy my school holiday.
I really, really want to go to the beach. I really need a vacation getaway. Urgh. Stupid expensive Fare tickets! curse you, Dammit.
itu makanan loe berapaan neng??? heheh
BalasHapushah maksudnya harganya? hmph jangan ditanya, kalo pake kantong gue sendiri mending ngga usah makan! hahaha
BalasHapusya iyalah lah harganya..
BalasHapuslah ini sushi tei kan??
bukan, ini shabu tei. Sushi Tei lebih murah dari shabu tei
BalasHapusowhhhh.. hahahhahha
BalasHapusgw pikir sushi tei.. hahaha
sorry dahhh